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Book summaries.

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Book of the Day

The Light We Carry

In the New York Times Bestseller, Michelle Obama shares wisdom about staying hopeful and balanced when the world is so out of control. She answers several questions in her book, such as “How do we bui... Show More

By Michelle Obama

How Will You Measure Your Life? book summary
How Will You Measure Your Life?

By Clayton M. Christensen

Deficit Myth book summary
Deficit Myth

By Stephanie Kelton

The Courage to be Disliked book summary
The Courage to be Disliked

By Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

Man's Search For Meaning book summary
Man's Search For Meaning

By Viktor Frankl

The Second Mountain book summary
The Second Mountain

By David Brooks

Great Thinkers book summary
Great Thinkers

By The School of Life

The Black Swan book summary
The Black Swan

By Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Everything is F*cked book summary
Everything is F*cked

By Mark Manson

The Tipping Point book summary
The Tipping Point

By Malcolm Gladwell