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Zero to One Book Summary

Book Summary

By Peter Thiel

15 min
Audio available


Anyone can start a business, but not everyone can succeed. The strongest path to success is through a monopoly that benefits you and society. You create a monopoly by innovating and continuing to improve. You can protect that monopoly with a strong brand, customer base, and pricing strategy. Be the best at what you do and focus on making the best decisions to help your startup succeed.

About the Author

Peter Thiel is a venture capitalist and entrepreneur. He is best known for co-founding Confinity, the company that developed PayPal. Thiel was also the first outside investor in Facebook. In Silicon Valley at the time, Thiel witnessed the dot com rise and fall, drawing lessons for tech startups from the experience. 
book summary - Zero to One by Peter Thiel

Zero to One

Book Summary

15 min
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