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Work Together Anywhere Book Summary

Book Summary

By Lisette Sutherland and Kirsten Janene-Nelson Wiley

15 min


Work Together Anywhere focuses on the benefits of having a remote team, and strategies to overcome challenges like the communication barrier, issues of trust, and fears around productivity. It also offers suggestions for tools to explore to benefit your team. Though focused in large part on management strategies, the book is valuable for all remote employees. It offers practical solutions to common problems, like how to celebrate success with a remote team, how to communicate effectively in different time zones, and how to make meetings efficient and effective for all team members.

About the Author

Lisette Sutherland is the director of Collaboration Superpowers. She co-founded Virtual Team Talk, a community of more than 500 virtual team managers and enthusiasts.

Kristen Janene-Nelson Wiley is a freelance editor and consultant. She has worked for more than 25 years in book publishing. 
book summary - Work Together Anywhere by Lisette Sutherland and Kirsten Janene-Nelson Wiley

Work Together Anywhere

Book Summary

15 min
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