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White Fragility Book Summary

Book Summary

By Robin DiAngelo

15 min
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Racism is not just the white supremacist in the media who is seen assaulting a black man. Instead, the roots of race-based bias are far deeper and include actions and language that masquerade as being politically correct. As history has shown, racism is wrapped up in a set of long-held assumptions that can be difficult to challenge and detect. As members of society, we must all embrace the discomfort that often comes with conversations about race. It is only through honest dialogue that change will take place on a large and permanent scale.

About the Author

Dr. Robin DiAngelo--long-time professor of social justice and best-selling anti-bias author--was born in San Francisco, California in 1956. 

While Dr. DiAngelo’s first book--Is Everyone Really Equal? An Introduction to Key Concepts in Critical Social Justice Education--was highly successful, her second book is what made her a household name.

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism was published in 2018--and has been encouraging long overdue conversations about the role of race in America and the superiority of white individuals--ever since.

After graduating from the University of Washington in 2004 with her doctorate in multicultural education, Dr. DiAngelo went on to teach at Westfield State University in Massachusetts where she received tenure in 2014. Since then, Dr. DiAngelo has transitioned back to her alma mater and assumed the role of Affiliate Associate Professor of Education.

She currently speaks to groups and holds workshops regarding the veiled racism that continues to threaten society today.
book summary - White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

White Fragility

Book Summary

15 min
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