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WallStreet (1987) - The Movie - Sumizeit Original Book Summary

Book Summary

By Sumizeit Team

15 min
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"Wall Street" (1987) is a drama film directed by Oliver Stone, starring Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen. It follows the story of a young and ambitious stockbroker named Bud Fox (played by Sheen) who is eager to climb the ranks of the financial world. He becomes involved with a wealthy and ruthless corporate raider named Gordon Gekko (played by Douglas), who teaches him the ways of the industry and manipulates him into breaking the law to make profits. As Fox becomes more deeply involved with Gekko and his schemes, he realizes the cost of his actions and must decide whether to stay true to his morals or succumb to the seductive world of wealth and power. The film highlights the greed and corruption prevalent in the financial industry and its impact on society.

"Oliver Stone's "Wall Street" is a wake-up call for the American conscience." - Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times

"Michael Douglas is unforgettable as Gordon Gekko, the embodiment of Reagan-era greed." - Peter Travers, Rolling Stone

"A cautionary tale about the seductions of power, money, and ambition." - Janet Maslin, The New York Times

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book summary - WallStreet (1987) - The Movie - Sumizeit Original by Sumizeit Team

WallStreet (1987) - The Movie - Sumizeit Original

Book Summary

15 min
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