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Thinking in Bets Book Summary

Book Summary

By Annie Duke

15 min
Audio available


Ultimately, every choice we make is a bet. With each decision, we put our resources at risk, such as energy, money, or other essentials to life. When we understand the nature of our choices and what strategies can help us make the best decisions, we step up our game and have the greatest hope for happiness and success. Understanding the strategies outlined in Thinking in Bets gives readers the confidence to assume risks and accept the outcomes with less negativity and more open-mindedness. Such a mental state will ensure you keep the upper hand.

About the Author

Annie Duke has won more than $4 million along with multiple professional Poker championships. She is the only woman to win the WSOP Tournament of Champions as well as the NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship. Duke has written a number of books including a series of instructional books for Poker players and an autobiography, How I Raised, Folded, Bluffed, Flirted, Cursed, and Won Millions at the World Series of Poker. Annie Duke is also a corporate speaker and consultant addressing the topic of decision-making strategies.
book summary - Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke

Thinking in Bets

Book Summary

15 min
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