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The Intelligent Investor Book Summary

Book Summary

By Benjamin Graham

15 min
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"The Intelligent Investor" is a renowned investment book by Benjamin Graham that provides timeless principles and practical guidance for investors to make informed decisions and achieve financial success. It emphasizes the importance of a disciplined approach, value investing, risk management, and long-term thinking.

About the Author

Benjamin Graham was a British-born American investor, economist, and progessor, and the "father of value investing", an investment approach he started teaching at Columbia Business School in 1928. He wrote two founding texts in neoclassing investing: Security Analysis (1934) with David Dodd and The Intelligent Investor (1949). He graduated from Columbia University at the age of 20. He founded the Graham Newman Partnership and worked on Wall Street as well as a teacher at Columbia University and eventually at the UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles. He had many successful disciples including Warren Buffet.
book summary - The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

The Intelligent Investor

Book Summary

15 min
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