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Joy at Work Book Summary

Book Summary

By Dennis Bakke

15 min
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Dennis Bakke is the co-founder and former CEO of AES, one of the largest power companies in the world. The company currently has over 100 million customers and makes $13 billion a year. Bakke believes that companies should adopt a decentralized management style, where workers are given more freedom and trust, and where values such as transparency, service, and ethics are prized. His idealistic approach for the company was replaced with a more centralized approach when the energy industry took a hit, and Enron collapsed in the early 2000s.

About the Author

Dennis Bakke is the founder of Imagine Schools, which provides tuition-free schools that help children become great leaders and learners. He is the author of Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job, a New York Times Bestseller. He is also the author of The Decision Maker: Unlock the Potential of Everyone in Your Organization, One Decision at a Time.
book summary - Joy at Work by Dennis Bakke

Joy at Work

Book Summary

15 min
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