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Blockchain Book Summary

Book Summary

By Stephen P. Williams

15 min
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Every day, new and innovative products emerge within the tech sector, but it is far less often that a mechanism is introduced that completely turns the world of technology on its head…

Blockchain, the latest in disruptive technology, not only benefits the technical world, but its many diverse applications can revolutionize a variety of industries including medicine, sustainability, transportation, and even animal welfare.

Blockchains are comprehensive, digital ledgers intended to remove the middle-man from economic transactions while maintaining top-quality security and reliability. Due to its highly structured encryption, hackers are unlikely to gain access to the chain.

Today, we are driving our cars to the gas station, but with blockchain technology, it is highly probable that they will soon be driving themselves.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we will begin to see more and more of its capabilities integrated into our daily lives. The possibilities are endless.

About the Author

Stephen P. Williams, author of Blockchain, is a well-regarded journalist who has written for The New York Times, Newsweek, GQ, The Smithsonian, and Martha Stewart Living, as well as numerous other publications. Having earned an MA in Communications from Stanford University and a MBA in Sustainability from Bard College, Williams is the founder of a sustainable fashion startup called Wm. Williams, which relies on blockchain technology for distributed manufacturing. Currently, the writer and entrepreneur lives in New York City.
book summary - Blockchain by Stephen P. Williams


Book Summary

15 min
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