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Always Hungry? Book Summary

Book Summary

By David Ludwig

15 min


Many Americans struggle with excess weight. However, simply restricting calories rarely leads to sustainable weight loss, because people end up feeling hungry and deprived, which causes overeating. Instead of focusing on calories, the Always Hungry Solution focuses on eating whole, nutritious foods, including lots of healthy fats, protein, vegetables, and fruit, and reducing processed carbohydrate intake. These diet changes, when accompanied by progress tracking, long term lifestyle changes, and mindfulness of the body’s needs, will lead to long-term weight loss and improved overall health and wellness.

About the Author

David Ludwig is an endocrinologist, researcher, and professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health. He also serves as director of the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Dr. Ludwig focuses his research on the impact of diet, nutrition, hormones, and metabolism on body weight. He is also active in policy work that aims to improve national nutrition and prevent obesity.

He published his first book, Ending the Food Fight: Guide Your Child to a Healthy Weight in a Fast Food/Fake Food World, in 2007. He is also a contributing writer for JAMA and has published over 150 scientific articles.

Dr. Ludwig and his wife live in Brookline, Massachusetts with their two children. 
book summary - Always Hungry? by David Ludwig

Always Hungry?

Book Summary

15 min
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