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15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management Book Summary

Book Summary

By Kevin Kruse

15 min
Audio available


The most successful people regard time as a precious commodity and you can use these 15 methods to capture lost time and increase your productivity.

Start by ditching the to-do list and instead prioritizing what’s important. Do what you can to set yourself up for success and minimize distractions. Find ways to become more efficient. But don’t forget to take breaks for yourself. 

About the Author

Kevin Kruse is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and Forbes columnist. He started his first company at 22 years old and since then has created several multimillion-dollar companies. 

Kruse is a renowned expert in productivity. He has traveled the globe delivering keynote speeches about productivity and was named the Trust Across America Top Thought Leader in Trust. 

He is the founder and current CEO of Leadx, an online learning platform that provides free leadership development. Kruse has won Inc 500 and Best Place to Work awards for his companies. 

Kruse lives in Pennsylvania with his three children. 
book summary - 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management by Kevin Kruse

15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management

Book Summary

15 min
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