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High-Performance Habits Book Summary

Book Summary

By Brendon Burchard

15 min


High performers consistently have high energy and positivity. They often experience a great deal more success in their endeavors than the average person but also know how to use their abilities to benefit others. 

The key to their success is the implementation of six habits in their daily routine. The six key habits are:

Exercise more to raise your energy level

Define your goals and what you want to achieve

Gain courage and take more risks

Stay focused and increase productivity

Build connections and be a positive influence on others

Raise the stakes and increase your performance levels

Unlike other self-help techniques, these habits are not instant life hacks. They take time and effort but once mastered, they guarantee a level of achievement that can be sustained. 

Becoming a high performer is not impossible. If you are willing to put in the work so these habits become second nature, then you are likely to succeed in achieving your goals. 

About the Author

Brendon Burchard is an author and performance coach. After surviving an accident at age 19, he became focused on living a full life. He set out to help others on the same quest as a performance coach after a career as a consultant at Accenture.

Burchard is the founder of the High Performance Academy and the Experts Academy, which are seminars directed at entrepreneurs. He has a self-help series on YouTube and a podcast.

Burchard is considered an authority on human motivation and business marketing. He is a board member of the XPRIZE Foundation and is a member of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul 100 group of most influential teachers. 
book summary - High-Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard

High-Performance Habits

Book Summary

15 min
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