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10X Rule Book Summary

Book Summary

By Grant Cardone

15 min
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"The 10X Rule" by Grant Cardone is a book that promotes a mindset of extreme effort and action to achieve extraordinary success. Cardone suggests setting goals that are ten times bigger than initially imagined and taking massive action to accomplish them. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding mediocrity, taking immediate action, and persevering through challenges. The book serves as a motivational guide to push individuals beyond their limits and achieve exceptional results in all areas of life.

About the Author

Grant Cardone is an American author, motivational speaker, real estate investor, and sales trainer. He was born in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He graduated from McNeese State University with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. He is a member of the Church of Scientology. He is married with two daughters. After college, he spent time selling cars. He also worked as CEO of Freedom Motorsports Group Inc. He worked with the Atlas Media Group to produce the series Turnaround King for the National Geographic Channel. He owns and operates several companies including Cardone Acquisitions.
book summary - 10X Rule by Grant Cardone

10X Rule

Book Summary

15 min
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