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Home > Why Power Walking Beats Running: 3 Hidden Benefits

Why Power Walking Beats Running: 3 Hidden Benefits

Posted on 4/2/2023, 3:01:49 PM

Running has been a popular form of exercise for decades, but power walking is gaining popularity as a low-impact alternative. While running offers many health benefits, it's not always the best option for everyone. Power walking, on the other hand, can provide many of the same benefits while also offering unique advantages. In this article, we'll explore three hidden benefits of power walking and why it may be a better choice than running for some people.

Lower Impact on Joints

As mentioned earlier, running is a high-impact activity that can put a lot of stress on the joints. This can lead to injuries and long-term damage, particularly for those who run frequently or on hard surfaces like concrete. Power walking, on the other hand, is a low-impact exercise that puts less stress on the joints. This makes it a great option for those with joint pain, arthritis, or other conditions that may make running difficult.

For example, someone with knee pain may find that power walking allows them to get the benefits of exercise without exacerbating their pain. They can still build strength and endurance while reducing their risk of injury. Additionally, power walking can be a good option for older adults who may have more fragile bones or joints.

Improves Posture and Balance

Power walking can also help to improve posture and balance. When walking at a brisk pace, the core muscles are engaged, helping to strengthen the muscles in the back and abdominals. This can help to improve posture and prevent back pain. Additionally, power walking requires more balance than running, as one foot is always on the ground. This can help to improve balance and coordination, which can be particularly beneficial for older adults.

For example, someone who spends a lot of time sitting at a desk may find that power walking helps to counteract the negative effects of sitting. By engaging their core muscles and improving their posture, they can reduce their risk of back pain and other issues. Additionally, someone who has had a fall or is at risk of falling may find that power walking helps to improve their balance and prevent future falls.

Reduces Stress

While running is often touted as a great way to reduce stress, power walking can be just as effective. Walking at a brisk pace can help to release endorphins, which are natural mood boosters. Additionally, power walking can be a meditative exercise, allowing you to clear your mind and focus on your surroundings. This can be particularly beneficial for those who find running to be too intense or who prefer a more relaxed form of exercise.

For example, someone who has a lot of stress in their life may find that power walking helps them to clear their mind and reduce their stress levels. They can enjoy the benefits of exercise without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. Additionally, someone who is recovering from an injury or illness may find that power walking helps them to rebuild their strength and endurance at a pace that feels manageable.

In conclusion, power walking offers several unique benefits that make it a great option for those who are looking for a low-impact exercise option. By reducing stress on the joints, improving posture and balance, and reducing stress, power walking can help you to feel better both physically and mentally. So why not give it a try? Put on a pair of comfortable shoes and start walking at a brisk pace. You may be surprised at how quickly you start to feel the benefits.

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